Tarantula Sling Care Guide – The Video Version

A picture is worth a thousand words…

When I first became hooked by the hobby, I literally had to be convinced by a vendor to pick up my first spiderlings. True story.

At the time, I was looking for sexed juveniles and adults, and the thought of caring for a tiny, fragile ‘sling was terrifying to me. What would I feed it? How should I give it water? What if the temperature in my house was too low? A thousand daunting scenarios played through my mind, and almost all of them ended with a dead spider.

When I finally took the plunge and ordered my first two 3/4″ slings, I remember the feeling of dread I had waiting for them to be delivered. I was convinced that I had bit off more than I could chew, and now there was no turning back. When they arrived, I fussed over their enclosures, fixated on their burrowing and webbing habits, just about developed an ulcer when one buried itself, and panicked when they inevitably refused meals. I also spent hours on Google researching each seemingly odd or worrisome behavior for some type of reassurance that I wasn’t screwing up.

Yup, raising a sling for the first time can be an incredibly stressful experience.

With that in mind, last year I sat down to write what I hoped would be a thorough and definitive guide on how to raise a tarantula spiderling. My goal was to create a reliable resource for those just starting out with their first baby tarantulas, whether they were preparing to receive a new sling or looking to quell some of the fears they have about the ones they already keep.

We all need affirmation at some point in this hobby.

Overall, I think the article was a success, but after fielding questions about it, it became clear that some of the tips and techniques I spoke about would be easier to understand if physically demonstrated. It got me thinking, could this article be done as a video? Would it be even easier for some people to understand if I could show them as well as tell them?

Up to the challenge (okay, blissfully ignorant of how challenging this would be!), I purchased some editing software, took copious notes from my article, and set to work. My initial plan was to produce a video around 30 minutes or so. However, as I got deeper into this project, it became apparent that to cover all the facets of sling keeping as thoroughly as I hoped, it would take a bit longer than a half hour…maybe even more than an hour.

A week and MANY hours later, it is finally done. I present to you all…

The ULTIMATE Tarantula Sling Care Guide!

This version of the guide is meant to take a keeper through the entire process of sling care, starting with actually acquiring the specimen to raising it. And, as the final video tapped out at around 80 minutes, I broke it into two parts. Part one covers buying your sling, setting up the enclosure, and unpacking your sling. Part two covers feeding, hydration, maintenance, temperatures and humidity, and molting.

I hope that this series proves helpful to those just acquiring their first slings or even to those who have been raising them for a little while. If I failed to cover something, or if you have information to add, please leave a comment! I will be looking to do an update video in the future covering any other questions that should come up.


1. What size sling (1:40)
2. Where to buy (5:20)
3. Enclosures (13:25)
4. Receiving and unpacking (25:50)


5. Feeding (1:44)
6. Hydration (8:10)
7. Maintenance (21:10)
8. Temps and Humidity (26:50)
9. Premolt/Molting (34:50)


6 thoughts on “Tarantula Sling Care Guide – The Video Version

  1. I blogged the videos with links and I said it there, and I’ll say it here: THIS should be referenced for new keepers as much as the T-Keeper’s Guide, especially for novices dealing with precious cargo. In ALL of the social media outlets I peruse, it is almost ALWAYS freak-outs over slings that are the most repetitive and irritating (to old hands) that keep cropping up over and over and…

    Outstanding work my friend.

    normal view…normal VIEW…NORMAL VIEW!!! -snicker.


  2. If your day job falls apart you have a career in instructional videos.

    FYI – I would pay for this.

    Fyi2 – did I mention that these videos brought me a lot of confidence? Thank you.

    All the pet stores should promote these. With this level of education, all pets would be bought more and enjoyed.


  3. Your video on basic sling care took away a lot of my trepidation on owning and taking care of slings. Thank you for the clear and concise info provided within these care guides. If I had a friend who I was interested in owning a tarantula, I’d refer them to your channel and website. Thanks, Benjamin N.


  4. Thank u for thoroughly explaining some very important details about slings!! I will b getting my first one soon n I’m nervous because I wanna do everything correctly.


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